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Interactive Country Dashboard
Income Group:
Country Group / Country

Estimated people who
developed TB

Missing people with TB

Estimated people who
developed TB and were coinfected by HIV

People who were diagnosed
with both TB and HIV infection

People who died because of

Missing people with DR-TB

Estimated people who
developed drug resistant TB (DR-TB) - a
form of TB that is more dificult to diagnose, treat and cure
County Membership and Eligibility
Active national TB MP Caucus?
Eligible for Global Fund Funding (TB or TB/HIV)?Y
Is High DR-TB Burden?Y
Is High TB Burden?Y
Is High TB-HIV Burden?Y
National StopTB Partnership?Y
Participates in GF Strategic Initiative to find missing people with
USAID TB Priority?Y
StopTB Partners in Country
TB, 2010-2021
Drug Resistant TB, 2010-2021
Age/Sex disaggregation of People with TB, 2021
Cases attributable to risk factors, 2020
Progress Related to Global Plan Targets
TB financing for the country (US$)
TB REACH Grants (US$ Cumulative)(2011-2020)
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